bitmedia loader

How to create an HTML5 Banner Ad?


Choose HTML5 Banners option from the available ad formats

format options


Select the text Language. Type in the Title. Add the full Click URL of your business website. It is recommended that you include UTM tags to your Click URL for easier optimisation and tracking. Note that you can use our UTM builder that automatically attaches a tracking code to your URL. For more information check this post for a guided tour of setting up a UTM tracker.

language type


Upload your HTML5 banner, as a ZIP file (see dimensions and other technical requirements below, or simply download the sample)



Check the file for errors. If there are any, you will see the following message. Also check how the banner looks in the sample ad unit window.

error file


Click Continue when done and you’re good to go. Our support team will have to review and approve your ad before you launch it.

continue button

Technical requirements for HTML5 banners

  1. Banners should be added as a ZIP.
  2. The size of the archive must not exceed 3 MB.
  3. The archive may contain one HTML file (index.html should be at root of archive) and some other files in the following formats: JS, CSS, JPG, GIF, PNG, SVG or fonts.
  4. Directory names as well as file may only contain the following: -._~ , numbers and Latin letters.
  5. Banner ad must contain all links that will relative paths in the archive. The ad must not contain any external network access. All supporting JavaScript libraries must be added together with the banner ad in the archive in case when this is needed.
  6. Irritating or harmful script behavior is strictly prohibited to use. The examples of such a behavior may be as follows: calls for the spontaneous opening of pop-up windows, change of page addresses, etc. The use of browser extensions (flash/java and others) is also not allowed.
  7. The ad banner must not lead to confusion (obfuscation).
  8. The banner is assumed to show the similar and uniform behaviour in all environments, on all platforms, whenever it is opened and this should be so during the course of the campaign
  9. The ad banner must meet the requirements for CPU usage.
  10. There should be an HTML Document that follows W3C standards.
  11. The elements of the HTML5 must have variable widths similar to what convention banner ads must follow.
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