Meet the most profitable ad network for publishers

CIT ad network is a transparent and secure way to monetize web traffic. We always find the right ad content for you to publish and guarantee instant payouts, whilst our industry leading toolkit aids quick and tailored setup and onboarding process.

Why choose Bit’s Telegram advertising for publishers?

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Range topping traffic revenue

Increase your earnings as a publisher of Telegram ads and get access to the highest paying commissions on the market.

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Instant payments

Peace of mind attitude to your remuneration. Withdraw at any moment, to any wallet.

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Start publishing ads in two clicks

Our streamlined banner integration tools allow you to start monetizing your web traffic within minutes after registration on CIT platform.

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Ad formats that suit all needs

Bit’s convenient ad formats not only compliment the look of your website, but are also designed to convert well, maximising your income streams.

Flexible publishing tools

cpm model

Floor CPM

Set up the minimum cost per impression on your website to filter through the advertisers that pay less than your fixed revenue threshold.

cpm model
cpc cpm model
cpc cpm model


Our Telegram ad formats allow you to choose and switch between two remuneration models. You can either monetize your website traffic via CPM, which is where you get paid for every 1000 impressions a given ad gets, or via CPC, during which remuneration comes from every click CIT banner attracts.

Ultimate Telegram advertising for publishers is here!

bitcoin monetizing

Your website is an asset, waiting to be monetized with most effective ad formats and high paying commissions on the market

bitcoin monetizing

Industry leading publishers that already monetize website traffic with us:

99bitcoins logo
bitcoin garden logo
bitcoinist logo
coinmarketnews logo
coinjournal logo
coinspeaker logo
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cryptocompare logo

How to monetize your web traffic with Bit?

Looking to increase your website ads revenue whilst promoting top businesses in the industry? Fed up with unstable payouts?

Meet Bit, the leading Telegram ad network for publishers!

Created to cater publishers of all sizes, our Telegram ads platform offers easy integration, most profitable ad formats with highest paying commissions, instant payouts and most detailed statistics!

How can I start making money?

If you have an account or you already advertise with, just skip this step and go directly to the manual. You can submit a Publisher request from any CIT account.

New to CIT Telegram advertising for publishers? Not to worry, just follow the simple steps below and start monetizing your Telegram traffic right away!


Create an account on our Telegram advertising network

Activate it by following the link sent to your inbox. Letter didn’t arrive? - check if the email you specified is correct. We usually advise trusted email services like Gmail or Yahoo.

Still no email? Our support team will be glad to help!

publisher account


Fill in the publisher request form

Make sure you go through all the information in the form before submitting your website. In case you have further questions, just contact our support team or read the FAQ.

request form


Wait for your request to be approved

We take publisher approvals very seriously and therefore always check if your audience comply with our standards and code of calibre. Check our publisher approval criteria.

Once approved...

Create Telegram ad banner and insert the html code on your website

publisher approval

Adding a banner

How to add CIT ad unit to your website:

Visit Home > Publisher Dashboard > Publisher Blocks

Select most fitting ad banner type

Click on Get Block Code and copy the code via Copy to Clipboard button

Open your website’s HTML code

Locate the place where CIT ad banner should be

Insert the code we copied earlier

Save the changes!

Ads backup setup

Navigate to your ad banner on CIT platform

Click Edit

Select the Backup Ads type that suits you the most

Transparent - Telegram ad banner with transparent background

Fill With Colour - adds colour to your ad unit


HTML code - HTML only without JS. Ad banner contains a picture and a link

HTML with JS code - use both HTML and JS as a backup. Can be a dynamic ads banner that displays multiple timed pictures

Fill in the required fields. Please note that for HTML and JS code backup, it is compulsory to fill in one of the three fields.

Click Save and you are done!

You can also use your account to add other websites that you own and file them for approval to get access to ads for publishers.

Clicks revenue is added to your main balance 7 days after it enters your pending account. We keep your funds on the pending balance for 7 days because we must analyse the quality of Telegram ads traffic and clicks first. Once your profit is transferred to the main account, you are free to withdraw it at any moment.

The minimum withdrawal amount is 10 USD

We are always glad to approve new publishers. Join the fastest growing publisher advertising network in the world for industry leading commission rates and top quality ad content.

Also, if you’re want to be an advertiser you can find additional information about Telegram advertising on our website.

Get access to top quality ads!

publisher dashboard

As a publisher advertising network, we always deliver advertising material that is worth your website, helping you grow in both earnings and traffic

publisher dashboard