bitmedia loader


    1. “Refund” means a process of returning funds. There are 3 options for a refund:
      1. return of funds from the main balance
      2. return of funds used for advertising from campaign balance to main balance
      3. return of funds not used for advertising from campaign balance to main balance
    2. “Main balance” means the balance of the User account. It may be topped up by the User in Bitcoins or USD in the ‘My balance’ tab. More details on topping up the balance can be found Terms.
    3. “Campaign balance” means the balance of the User campaign. It may be topped up by the User by means of transferring funds either from the main balance or other campaign balance.
    4. “Funds used for advertising” mean total amount of funds transferred to the campaign balance and spent for running an ad campaign.
    5. “Funds not used for advertising” mean total amount of funds transferred to the campaign balance but not spent for running an ad campaign.

    1. Refund from the main balance
      1. In accordance with the paragraph 4 of Terms, the user is not eligible to withdraw funds as long as they have been credited on the main balance. 
      2. Once an advertiser has topped up the campaign balance, the total sum of funds is to be used within an advertising campaign. Thus, these funds are not subject to withdrawal.
    2. Refund of funds used for an ad campaign
      1. Refund of funds used for an ad campaign is a return of funds used for advertising from campaign balance to main balance.
      2. The User is entitled to claim a refund of funds which were used in ad campaign only when:
        • ad campaign has been active for at least 4 days;
        • there is the proof that the impressions and/or clicks from bitmedia’s sources are of the low quality. With this view, an advertiser shall provide:
          • analysis of sources which were used during an ad campaign and
          • screenshots from Google Analytics (or other relevant analytics of an advertiser) and/or
          • access to Google Analytics (or other relevant analytics system) and/or
          • reports from any software/program analyzing the traffic quality of the campaign.
      3. The administration of may grant a refund of funds, which were spent for running an ad campaign during the last 7 days before the refund was claimed by the User. If the User purports to receive a refund of funds, which were spent during the period more than 7 days, the User shall contact the administration of
    3. Refund of funds not used for an ad campaign
      1. Refund of funds not used for an ad campaign is a return of funds not used for advertising from campaign balance to main balance.
      2. The User is entitled to claim a refund of funds not used in an ad campaign only when:
        • ad campaign has been active for at least 10 days;
        • the advertisement was not approved or
        • there is the proof of poor traffic quality. With this view, an advertiser shall provide:
          • analysis of sources which were used during an ad campaign and
          • screenshots from Google Analytics (or other relevant analytics of an advertiser) and/or
          • access to Google Analytics (or other relevant analytics system) and/or
          • reports from any software/program analyzing the traffic quality of the campaign.
    4. All funded accounts that have been inactive for up to 6 months will lose access to their funds. If the account remains inactive it will be permanently deactivated and the funds will be written off.