bitmedia loader

Ad Placement Management

Sources are the websites that publish BitMedia ads.

In order to gain more control over the quality of your advertising campaign it is important to to choose those sources that will be the most appropriate for your ads due to their audience and content.

ad placement scheme

How shall I know which BitMedia sources are good for me?

Before running a campaign select targeting settings for it, to make it more suitable to your needs.

When you set up a campaign, add a UTM or any other parameter, so that your link would look like this:{source} &utm_medium=cpc

Here, {source} is the variable parameter which shows the BitMedia source id. Every time a visitor clicks on your ad, you will see the source id, from which they were referred and check if the source in question is effective for you or not.

For example, in Google Analytics you can do this by going to section
Traffic Sources > Sources > Campaigns
(if you use utm_campaign tag)

Having identified the most efficient websites for you, you will be able to adjust your campaign.

Google Analytics screen 1
Google Analytics screen 2

How can I manage ad placement?

In the Ad placement settings select “advanced ad placement” section. There is an option to add some sources to Whitelist or to Blacklist.

Adding a source(-es) to Whitelist means that ads will be shown on that source(-es) only. Moreover if you have selected some sources on whitelist, there also is an option to place your ads on other websites at a lower bid. And if the source is added to the Blacklist column, that means that the ads will be placed on all other BitMedia sources, except those mentioned.

To have place a particular source on the Black/White list you should insert its id into the appropriate column. Source id usually looks like this 4534534534.

If you want to add few source ids at once, you may upload a csv file by clicking the
“Mass source import” button. Should you have put some ids on Whitelist instead of Blacklist, or vice versa, you may easily move them to another list by clicking “move to Whitelist/Blacklist” button.

manual ad placement
mass source import

useful tip icon

useful tip

The best way to manage the placement of your ads may be the following: Blacklist sources with the traffic showing the lowest conversion rates, whitelist those, which are the most suitable for you and place ads on the rest of sources at the lower bid.

manage ad placement

How can I track ad performance with Google Analytics?

UTM campaigns are the parameters, you insert into your click URL. They are subsequently transmitted to analytics, when a visitor clicks on ad.

You can set up UTM parameters to show almost everything about how people get to the website.

There are 5 types of UTM parameters, 3 of which are required and other 2 - are optional:

utm_source – a required parameter which identifies the source of your traffic

utm_medium – a required parameter which identifies the medium, i.e. newsletter, banner, CPC

utm_campaign – a required parameter to identify a campaign for a product

utm_term – an optional parameter which identifies keywords for ad.

utm_content – an optional parameter for similar content or link in different ads

More information on UTM campaigns you can find here:

rocket pic

Make your ads smart

Start a Campaign